An exciting part of watching new changes in instruction as we look through the Windows Into Classrooms, is seeing the changes in assessment of student learning. During December these assessments take center stage as students are taking their Final Exams of the semester. We will look at ways that students are assessed on their learning and progress through the fall.
Performance Tasks have led the change in assessments. Students are being asked to show their learning through performing tasks that demonstrate skill and knowledge. The epitome of assessment through performance comes from our Music Appreciation classes. Most of these students are new to music and this semester they were basically taught how to read the new language of music. This week, their final exam for the semester was a stunning performance using recorders in the auditorium to a crowd of hundreds. A true performance of skill, learning, and courage. We are so proud of their efforts!
Other performance tasks come from the math assessments that will give students real-world problems that students will have to use what they were taught. As they solve these issues, they must also explain and write how they were able to use their math skills. Students in honors science classes will tackle hands-on performance tasks that involve using science tools. Students will demonstrate proficiency at equipment operation as they use the spectrophotometer, the electric balance, and also execute proper slide preparation and biological diagrams using microscopes. These experiences reflect college-level exams and will prepare students for their next level of education as well. STEM students are busy building and testing models showing Kinetic and Potential Energy and their importance to our lives.
Many students will be preparing presentations for various classes. Ag students will be delivering advocacy speeches to encourage their audience to support agriculture in various forms. Seniors in their English class will deliver powerful presentations involving their work with The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch. Students are reaching deep to make sure their audience understands what is important to their lives. Freshmen and Sophomores in English are presenting to their classmates about Outsiders and Outcasts, The Joy Luck Club, and Poetry, allowing them to explore the way we interact with the world. Law Enforcement students, dressed in professional attire, will be speaking in front of the class about jobs in Law Enforcement and encouraging their classmates to explore these careers that are highly needed in today’s world.
At Desert Valley High School, Seniors have been preparing a multi-disciplinary project to present in their English class about the financial, career, or personal learning they have accomplished so far this year. These presentations take many forms as the students were able to choose how they present their learning. Taking it one step further, the principal invited parents and the community to the school in the evening so that students can showcase their projects and deliver their message to a larger audience.
Even the traditional exams in the district look differently. Science classes are using GoFormative to administer digital exams that allow students to answer questions in a variety of ways, including drag and drop, highlighting, and multiple answers. Math classes will be using an online platform to administer their common final as well and students will be using desmos and other online tools to show their learning.
Finally, we can’t ignore that most all of the assessments will include some type of writing as a base for students to demonstrate their learning - short answer responses, full essays, and explanations of procedures - to name a few. Even the presentations have to be written first or prepared through a Google Slide presentation. After many of the projects, students will write reflective pieces that show how their learning will impact their lives or the world around them. This exercise of demonstrating learning through writing proves to solidify their understanding of the material.
In the end, Brawley Union High School District is expecting that the almost 1,900 students in our schools will leave for Winter Break full of a variety of learning and knowledge. Students will also be satisfied that they are able to demonstrate their learning to different audiences - the teacher alone, parents and the community, and even a large audience of hundreds at a music concert. We are proud of the students and teachers this semester as they have shown their growth in both creating and taking assessments to show student progress and learning.
Personal Progress Report to BUHSD Staff:
I'm now at a 13 minute 20 second mile. :( My goal is to get back on track over the vacation. :)
Cooking and baking has been the family routine lately to keep us connected.
Bringing in my mom and grandma to cook with the Culinary Arts students was a highlight here at the district recently.
#ifnotusthenwho #hopesquad #brawleyproud #scorpionpride